Why Megan Fox’s Childhood Was Anything But Easy

Megan Fox is the beauty bombshell that exploded onto the scene when she starred in the film, “Transformers.” But, long before she was a Hollywood actress, she was just a kid trying to make it by.

It may be surprising, but Fox was actually a country girl, per GQ. The “Jennifer’s Body” actress grew up in the small city of Rockwood, Tennessee. Fox describes it as a “semi-mountain town, very rural.” She shared, “My dad used to hunt ducks, and my mom would put them in the pot. We lived really modestly. We had very little money.” Fox wasn’t the daughter of famous parents and had to work hard to get to where she is today. Even when she was little, she dreamed of being an actress to escape the reality of her difficult childhood.

However, when the actress eventually achieved the success she dreamt of, she realized it didn’t solve all her problems. She said, “It just always seemed really glamorous. As a child, you think everyone who’s famous is very wealthy and very powerful. I felt like, once I achieved that success then all of my internal issues would be solved, and I would be this really confident person. And I’m not.” Fox revealed that the reason these “internal issues” couldn’t go away was in part due to her past despite her transformation from teenager to Hollywood star. It’s not surprising. The actor has dealt with difficult situations growing up, and sadly fame can’t help with that.

Megan Fox’s parents divorced at a young age

Marriage is not easy, and a lot of the time, people end up getting a divorce. Unfortunately, this happened to Megan Fox’s parents. No matter your age, a divorce between your parents can turn your whole world upside down, and it did for Fox.

The “Transformers” actor was only 3 when her parents divorced. After the divorce, her dad was hardly in the picture, and her mom and stepdad became extremely strict, per Elle. She said, “I was grounded for all of my childhood. Not most—all.” Of course, being a teenager, you’re bound to get in trouble with your parents every once in a while, but for Fox, it seemed like it was almost every day. She recalled to GQ how she was never allowed to visit friends at their homes and vice versa. And because Fox’s sister was much older than her — 13 years, to be exact — she spent her time alone.

The absence of her father didn’t help the loneliness either. Megan shared with GQ that she missed her dad a lot. Even as she grew up, she has reflected on how much her parent’s divorce has affected her. She said, “It’s also a feeling of not being acceptable, and wanting to be. Of course, I think that has something to do with my parents’ divorce and not seeing my dad, and always feeling rejected. You don’t ever really get past that.”

Megan Fox was bullied

It’s hard to believe that someone as stunning and talented as Megan Fox got bullied, but unfortunately, she did. Fox, who was already struggling at home, couldn’t even use school as an escape because she would end up getting bullied.

The “Jennifer’s Body” actor recalled to Elle how she would eat lunch in the bathroom to avoid the torment from other kids. Fox believed her looks had nothing to do with why they bullied her, but it was who she hung out with. She said, “I think, for me, what was intimidating was that I’ve always gotten along better with boys. That rubbed some people the wrong way.” Unfortunately for the actor, things only worsened when she attended high school.

Fox always knew that she wanted to become an actor, but when other people figured out her dreams, they only used it to make fun of her, per Digital Spy. The actor recalled how there were “evil girls” in her high school. She said, “One girl came to school on Halloween in a black leather catsuit and everyone thought she was cat woman. She answered, ‘No I am Megan Fox’. She was making fun of me.” Fox was never popular in school and even considered herself an “outcast” for most of her life. It’s unfortunate that even as Fox became famous, these terrible memories of her childhood stuck with her.