Jennifer Aniston opens up about her diet, fitness, and why she has a cooler box in her car

The actor, it seems, is also a fan of Pilates, since it is “a lot easier” than other challenging workouts.

There is a reason Jennifer Aniston looks like she has stopped aging. The actress is particular about her diet and lifestyle, and in a recent interview, she divulged all the healthy details of what she eats and how she spends her day.

The FRIENDS actor spoke with E! News in an exclusive interview about her snacking habits, stating, “Right before my workout, I’ll have a little bit of a bar, then a little bit after and I’m totally satiated until I get to lunch.”

“If I’m driving around all day, it’s usually my cooler in the car and I’ll have it (snack bar) on my way home so I’m not so starving that I just eat like, cr*p or to eat too much,” the actor said.

Aniston, who is a California resident, cited the rising temperatures on the West Coast of the US as her decision to install the cooler in her car. She told the publication that her on-the-go cooler is also stocked with chilled water and vitamins.

“The cooler happened because I’ve learned my lesson. Living as we live in California, you go to get your bar and you open the package and it’s just like a melted Easter gone bad disaster,” she was quoted as saying.

The Just Go With It actor added that she loves a protein bar, and that it is great “to have something you can grab and throw in your bag and just have it for the day”.

Speaking about what her everyday wellness routine looks like, Aniston said she starts her mornings with meditation. “You can meditate anywhere, but usually I do it the minute I wake up. I just get my feet on the floor and sit down in front of a little altar. If I’m away, I just find a space for it. And even if it’s five minutes, 10 minutes, I just have to do it.”

The actor, it seems, is also a fan of Pilates, since it is “a lot easier” than other challenging workouts.

“I just try to listen to my body because sometimes my body’s saying let’s run, let’s do your 45 minutes of cardio and then I try to mix it up. I’m loving Pilates, because it feels like I’m getting a big bang for my buck because there’s sort of a meditative experience that I have,” she told the outlet.