Jennifer Aniston’s secret nickname revealed – find out what her friends call her

She’s earned her name for a very special reason

Jennifer Aniston really is a true friend!

The star has been praised for being an incredible human being by her makeup artist, Angela Levin, who also revealed the sweet nickname the Hollywood actress is known by.

Speaking to HELLO! for World Kindness Day as we launched our inaugural Kind List on Friday – a list of especially kind celebrities, royals and influential people, in which Jennifer features – Angela said: “When I think of Jen I think of kindness, generosity, love and family.”

“She has a way of making the people around her experience all those emotions and feelings all at the same time.”

For this reason, Jennifer’s friends have come up with a special moniker which Angela revealed to HELLO!.

“We call each other Mamma,” she said. “Not just us two but all the amazing women around her do. And in a sense that sums it up – we are hers and she is part of our hearts forever. Truly unique and one of a kind.”

Angela has been Jennifer’s makeup artist for years and they share a special bond.

On Jennifer’s birthday earlier this year, Angela posted a special message on social media.

“Happy birthday my darling, my love, my golden sunshine,” she wrote. “So many years we are together and she still takes my breath away.”

Jennifer is just one of the kind celebrities to be featured in our first ever Kind List. Among the other stars recognised for their warmth, generosity and charity work are Michelle Obama, Jennifer Garner, Beyonce, the Queen, the Duchess of Cambridge and Sir David Attenborough.