What Megan Fox Really Thinks Of The Buzz Surrounding Her Thumbs

Megan Fox has long been considered one of the most beautiful people in the entertainment industry, yet she can’t understand the ongoing fascination everyone has with her thumbs. But then again, the Hollywood star has said in the past that being genetically blessed sure does have its perks, especially when it comes to her career. “I don’t feel like being beautiful is a hindrance when you are an actress. I feel like it’s probably something that’s helpful,” Fox told Australia’s Herald Sun (via E! Online) in 2014.

And while her fans have certainly been paying attention to her ever-changing style, hair color, and overall look over the years, they’ve also paid particular attention to her thumbs. Back in 2010, NBC News even called her out on her one thumb and said it looked like a “big toe” on her hand. Despite the way it may look, Fox insists that her thumbs function and are normally fine even though the world seems to be fascinated and if not also a little obsessed over them, too.

All about Megan Fox’s clubbed thumbs

Megan Fox never really paid attention to her thumbs until the press and the public began to point out how different they looked. That’s all because they are a little shorter than average. In an interview with Sports Illustrated in May 2023, Fox said she doesn’t get why her thumbs get just as much attention as her relationship experience, which she uses to raise her sons. She said (via Page Six), “I don’t know why people are so fascinated by my thumbs. They’re just kind of short. Is it really that crazy?”

The reason why Fox’s thumbs are a little on the short side is because of a genetic condition called brachydactyly. WebMD says that it’s a congenital condition that a person is born with. It just means that someone’s fingers and toes are a little shorter than average but it doesn’t hinder a person’s lifestyle in any way. Fox says that she’s not embarrᴀssed about it at all. Even with a short thumb, a person with brachydactyly can still hold a pen or pencil and write, play on the piano, type on a keyboard, and swing a bat just like everyone else. The Cleveland Clinic also points out that having short thumbs is not considered a disability.

However, this is not the first time that Fox has mentioned her short thumbs as she’s talked about some of the hang-ups she has with her body before.

Megan Fox was forced to defend her ‘toe thumbs’ from online trolls

Megan Fox might feel comfortable with the thumbs that she has now, but she didn’t always feel this way before. Back in 2012 while on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” she called her short thumbs “fat” and “weird,” according to Yahoo! Finance. Then again, in her same interview with Sports Illustrated in 2023, Fox also admitted that she struggles with body dysmorphia. She told the publication (via the Washington Post), “I don’t ever see myself the way other people see me. There’s never a point in my life where I loved my body.”

In 2021, Fox also made a startling confession about her self image when she talked about her deep insecurities with her looks in an interview with GQ. She explained, “We may look at somebody and think, ‘That person’s so beautiful. Their life must be so easy.’ They most likely don’t feel that way about themselves.”

For someone who is often praised and criticized for her looks, we’d say that Fox is one of the most beautiful people in the world when it comes to her ability to be honest about her looks and her struggles. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Read More: https://www.thelist.com/1481950/what-megan-fox-things-buzz-thumbs/