Fans Blasted Megan Fox For Her “Uncomfortable” Interview Questions And Conduct Alongside A “Composed” Conan O’Brien

Throughout his history on late night TV, Conan O’Brien had plenty of awkward interviews, but he always managed to make them entertaining nonetheless. Who can forget when he jokingly wanted to cut to a commercial after his A-list guest Halle Berry revealed her crush on him. One of the many great moments on the show.

This interview in particular was memorable for different reasons. Megan Fox asked Conan O’Brien an awkward string of questions. Although Conan handled the moment effortlessly, fans weren’t too happy about it looking back.

We’ll reveal what took place during the interview, while taking a look at other awkward moments on Conan’s show throughout the years.

Fans Weren’t Pleased After Megan Fox Asked Conan O’Brien If He Was Breastfed As A Child
Conan O’Brien’s reaction said it all during his interview alongside Megan Fox. The actress was discussing how she interprets people she typically meets. Among her criteria was asking if they were breastfed… Fans took exception to this interview moment.

Fox said, “I study a lot like the Myers-Briggs psychology test. The psychological types and so I tend to try and learn who people are by asking really uncomfortable questions. Like when I first meet someone, I might ask them “Were you breastfed as a child?”

Conan’s reaction was hilarious as he looked back-and-forth at the camera. His answer to the question, “I come from a family that doesn’t talk about any of that sh–.” He continues, “I don’t think my parents have met each other formally.”

Fox continues to press if Conan ever saw his mom naked… To which Conan says no, and Fox reveals, “That tells me a lot.” The awkward interview moment can be seen below.

Fans had a lot to say following the interview moment and, for the most part, they weren’t positive towards Megan Fox.

“The worst thing is a person who thinks they are more intelligent than they are,” a fan wrote.

“If you study psychology and communication, you’re not going to ask those questions of anyone, ever lol.”

“Knowledge isn’t the same as wisdom. Information isn’t the same as discretion,” another fan comments.

Ultimately, it wasn’t the only time Fox went after O’Brien during an interview.

Megan Fox Also Trolled Conan O’Brien In A Separate Interview
Megan Fox had some fun with Conan O’Brien in another interview as well. The set up took place when the two were talking about their interest in astrology. It seemed like Fox had quite the zinger lined up for O’Brien.

She said, “Your moon is in Aquarius, which is a sign of the eccentric and sort of makes a little bit more sense,” she said. “But the ruling planet of Aquarius is Uranus, so what I know from looking at this, just at a glance, is that your emotions are heavily tied to Uranus.”

There clearly wasn’t a dull moment when Megan Fox took part in an interview alongside Conan. Although fans might think that the interview was troubling for the host, it was nothing compared to some of his worst and most awkward interviews ever.

The Interview With Megan Fox Was Far From Conan O’Brien’s Most Awkward Interview Moment
Conan had other awkward interviews. Perhaps the most awkward Conan O’Brien interview ever took place alongside Kari Wuhrer. From the start, Conan felt like the interview was going to be one to forget.

“You just won, to start, in the last six years, the most awkward start to an interview,” Conan tells Wuhrer after she started rambling about Conan’s other guests.

The rest of the interview wasn’t any better as Wuhrer wasn’t getting any type of reaction from the audience, and she would even comment, saying, “I’m not funny am I?”

Thankfully, Conan was there to save the day during the interview. Fans had nothing but praise for the way Conan handled himself throughout the chat.

“The fact that Conan kept the interview together for that long just shows how legendary he is.”

“I love how at first it’s so cringey it’s downright unwatchable, but then if you suffer through it becomes strangely enjoyable in a masochistic sort of way.”

“An interview like this really shows just how great of a comedian Conan really is. The way he just rolls with things, and his witty comebacks are truly such a talent.”