Kourtney Kardashian caught wearing ‘fake’ designer bag that should cost £26,000

Kourtney Kardashian has been praised for being “relatable” as she walked around with an allegedly fake designer bag.

In a post on Reddit, it emerged the mother-of-four had been ‘outed’ by the online vigilante The Fake Birkin Slayer, who claimed she had been wearing a crossbody Hermes bag that was counterfeit. Sharing an old picture of Kourtney on their Instagram Story, the reality TV star was accused of purchasing a mini version of the Kelly bag – which usually retails for around £26,000 ($33,000) – that wasn’t Hermes.

However, The Kardashians star was praised by Reddit users who said it was “refreshing” for the star to be rocking a fake bag that everyone could afford. “Lmao might be an unpopular opinion but this actually makes her so relatable and more likeable for me. Like I’m done with their million-dollar spoons or whatever s**t. One fake bag is actually refreshing,” one wrote.

“Lol so? She can buy fake bags just like the rest of us,” another agreed, while a third chimed in: “I don’t mind her wearing a fake.” One user suggested Kourtney may have been given the fake bag as a gift, adding: “I doubt she buys her bags from Hermes. I’m sure middlemen, stylists and flippers scam a lot of people. Or maybe it’s a fake she was given as a gift. Or maybe it’s a fake she bought from a side street and she doesn’t care.”

The accusation comes just days after Kourtney’s sister Kim Kardashian was criticised after she encouraged fans to purchase a second-hand Hermes Birkin bag that was visibly used. The Skims founder uploaded the “rare” alligator skin bag on Kardashian Kloset earlier this month, and in the description, it was revealed the pricey purse was in “good condition” but it has “some discolouration on handles and underside bottom corners”, as well as “minor scratching”.

Fans were gobsmacked that the bag was up for sale at a whopping $69,995 (£55,310), with many outraged that Kim, who is a billionaire, was selling the damaged bag. “Seriously, how desperate are they for money? And why does no one find it strange that these ‘billionaires’ are selling their second-hand clothes?” one fumed on Reddit. “That’s very dirty,” another claimed, as another agreed: “The kind of people who have $70k to spend on a bag, wouldn’t they just buy a brand new one? If you have $70k to spend on a bag, why would you want second-hand Kardashian bags?”

And this isn’t the first time Kim has tried to flog one of her Birkin bags. She recently put her Peacock Blue Birkin 30 bag up on Kardashian Kloset for $49,995 (£39,500), but fans were disgusted at the visible wear and tear. According to the item’s description, the bag had “minor discolouration on handles and wear on bottom corners, minor scratching on metal, and minor signs of wear on interior”.