This is what autoSєxual means after Kourtney Kardashian opens up about her Sєxuality

Kourtney Kardashian recently spoke about her Sєxuality and expressed that she’s ‘more than likely’ autoSєxual – but what is autoSєxuality?
The 41-year-old recently opened up in an interview about identifying as autoSєxual and claimed that ‘most women are, even if it’s just a little.’
But what is it exactly?

Being autoSєxual is described as ‘a trait wherein one is turned on by engaging in their own eroticism’, basically, when a women is more aroused when she feels truly Sєxy within herself.
Therapist and writer, Casey Tanner, asked the Kardashian if she would class herself as autoSєxual, with her responding: “The short answer is yes, most likely. In fact, we all are, at least a little.”

Tanner explained that even masturbation can be classified as a form of autoSєxuality, saying: “AutoSєxuality may extend beyond Sєxual behavior to include feeling a longing or desire for oneself.”
“It can also be the ability to turn oneself on through looking at, visualizing, touching, or smelling oneself.”He continued: “Like most human characteristics, autoSєxuality is a spectrum—and the majority of us are on it! Some may identify as exclusively autoSєxual, in which case they might consider autoSєxuality their Sєxual orientation.”
“Most people, however, incorporate autoSєxuality into a larger Sєxual repertoire that also includes being turned on by partnered Sєx.”
Kourtney then went on to explain what she does to get herself in the mood, including doing her own makeup and hair and dressing up for herself – as well as getting to ‘know her own body’ while bathing.
She shared on her POOSH website: “‘This might mean wearing Sєxy lingerie, even if your partner hardly gives it a second glance.
“It could mean doing your hair and makeup so that you feel good and turned on, even when you’ve been in a long-term monogamous relationship and the other party hardly notices.””And it could mean dancing in the mirror in a cute outfit. If feeling Sєxy independent of someone else has ever turned you on, that’s autoSєxuality, and it’s totally normal.”
“‘Many folks resist autoSєxuality, fearing that it’s narcissistic or might detract from partnered Sєx. In reality, autoSєxuality can be a healthy, even valuable, part of your Sєx life.
Kourtney added: “When we know how to turn ourselves on, we depend less on environmental cues to move us into a sensual headspace. When we look at or fantasize about ourselves, we are in touch with our bodies and senses.”