Candice Swanepoel tells us the tip to take the perfect selfie

What beauty tips do you have to keep your skin glowing during the winter months?

You know, in New York I have a humidifier quite close to my bed because it gets really, really dry. And I switch my creams, I use a richer moisturiser. I also try to eat a lot of aloe vera and a lot of coconut oil. After a shower, I love to put coconut oil over my body – I hate to feel dry, that’s one of my pet peeves. I’m one of those girls that constantly rubs oil over herself.

In terms of moisturisers, do you have any brands that you religiously use?

I use a lot of natural products, rose water spray and I swear by my Biotherm body milk. I use that in summer because it’s not too rich. Coconut oil I use for everything. I try a lot of different products out, I really love to do that.

You have a huge Instagram following – what’s your tip to take the perfect selfie?

Find the right light, face the light – and also to make it different. Because everyone has seen the regular selfie now, it’s nice to have a nice background with something interesting in it.

Is there any beauty advice you’d give to your younger self?

From a very young age I loved taking care of myself. I’d make homemade masks, and my mum taught me to take care of my skin from a really young age. So my 15-year-old self had it figured out. Maybe wear less makeup though, because at 15 I did wear some makeup that I shouldn’t have.