OJ Simpson death: A history of Khloe, Kim and Kourtney Kardashian’s relationship with football star

OJ Simpson, the former NFL star who was acquitted in a notorious double murder trial, died at his Las Vegas home on 10 April after battling prostate cancer. He was 76 years old.

In 1994, five days after his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman were found stabbed to death, Simpson was charged with the murder of both individuals. Simpson infamously led police on a 60-mile low-speed chase in Los Angeles for two hours, threatening to kill himself with a handgun, before ultimately surrendering.

Simpson’s trial would attract extensive media attention over the next year, with Robert Kardashian working as one of the six attorneys on his defense team. Robert, who pᴀssed away in 2003 from esophageal cancer, met Simpson when they were students at the University of Southern California. The two quickly became close friends and business partners, investing in the company Juice Inc and Concert Cinema.

Robert married Kristen Mary Houghton (now known as Kris Jenner) in 1978 and they welcomed four children – Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, and Robert Kardashian Jr – who all referred to Simpson and his former wife as “Uncle OJ” and “Auntie Nicole”.

However, Robert’s decision to defend Simpson divided his family. During the trial, Kris was spotted sitting on the prosecution side of the courtroom in support of Nicole. Kim, 43, previously admitted the trial put a strain on their family in conversation with Dr Phil in 2009.

Since then, speculation about the famous family’s relationship with Simpson has circulated.

Here is a detailed history on Khloe, Kris, Kourtney, and Kim’s relationship with OJ Simpson.

Kourtney Kardashian
The Poosh owner was 14 years old during the Simpson trial. Like Kim, Kourtney was also picked up from school by her father and taken to court with him.

Kim Kardashian
The Skims creator, who’s now pursuing a career in law, was 13 years old when Simpson went on trial for the double murders of Brown and Goldman.

Kim has candidly spoken about the repercussions that Simpson’s trial had on their family, specifically her father’s decision to be an active member on his defense team. While Kris refused to support Simpson, Kim has admitted she stuck by her father’s side.

Speaking to Rolling Stone in 2015, the Skkn CEO said: “We just always thought my dad was the smartest person in the world, and he really believed in his friend.”

“Kourtney and I were drawn to our dad. We felt like Mom was happily remarried, so we would live with Dad. We didn’t want him to be by himself,” Kim told GQ in 2023. She also remembered her dad pulling her and Kourtney out of school to attend the trial with him and seeing her mom on the opposite side of the courtroom. According to Kim, Kris was displeased they weren’t at school and confused as to why they were there.