I Watched Every Single Jennifer Aniston Rom-Com — So Here They Are Ranked

So, since I love a theme, and rom-coms are always a crowd-pleaser, I decided to watch every single one of her rom-coms and rank them. After thoroughly analyzing each movie for plot, performance, and costuming — here are all 17 rom-coms starring Jennifer Aniston, ranked.

17. The Bounty Hunter

I tried to like The Bounty Hunter, but I just could not get into it. I actually think Jen was pretty funny in this movie, but even her excellent line delivery and comedic timing couldn’t save it. Maybe with some better writing and a different vision for the film, it would be ranked higher on my list, but Gerard Butler took his role as the scorned ex a little too seriously and was so unlikeable that it made it hard to root for their relationship. I’ve never been a fan of a macho man whose entire character arc is learning to find their feelings, and 2010 is too late to be making rom-coms where a strong and capable woman is suddenly smitten for a man who has done nothing but bully and try to control her.

3. The Switch

I was surprised by how much I loved this movie. Jason Bateman and Jennifer Aniston really brought their A-game with this one, and their chemistry was palpable. Yes, it is a typical friends to lovers trope, but it was so beautifully executed that I found myself excited for the end result. It was sweet, charming, and poignant, and Thomas Robinson as 6-year-old Sebastian was perhaps the cutest kid I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen Jen play a mom in millions of movies before, but something about her vulnerability and sincerity with this role really touched me.

4. Rumor Has It

5. He’s Just Not That Into You

7. Just Go with It

9. Friends with Money

11. The Break-Up

I feel like somehow we were all tricked into believing this movie is great, when it’s actually quite dull. Yes, the fights feel very realistic, and I do think it’s an accurate portrayal of a messy breakup, but it’s just not a super exciting movie. I don’t like heteronormative rom-coms where the man acts like a complete ᴀss and then we are still expected to root for him. The only saving grace plot-wise is that Jennifer and Vince Vaughn’s characters don’t end up together in the end (although in the last five minutes, there’s some very lingering eye contact that suggests a possible relationship do-over in the future).

13. She’s the One

There’s so much to unpack with this movie’s overall message that it’s hard to know where to start. First of all, I went into it thinking Jennifer was going to be a main character based on the misleading cover pH๏τo, but she was not. Instead, she’s the hilariously charming, heartbroken wife of one of the lead brothers. Although she probably only had about 30 minutes of screen time, her New York accent and haughty rants were some of the best parts of the movie. I also really liked that this movie was mostly unpredictable, and dealt with love and loss at different stages of life. Be warned, this is one of those dialogue-heavy, minimal action films — if that’s your cup of tea.

15. Love Happens

10. Murder Mystery