‘Expend4bles’ Actress Megan Fox Admits To Being A Witch, Appears To Threaten To Perform “Carcᴀss-Eating Ritual”

Megan Fox, who appears in the upcoming Expend4bles film, recently admitted to being a witch and appeared to threaten to perform a “carcᴀss-eating ritual” after she was accused of child abuse by Robby Starbuck.

Megan Fox, who appears in the upcoming Expend4bles film, recently admitted to being a witch and appeared to threaten to perform a “carcᴀss-eating ritual” after she was accused of child abuse by Robby Starbuck.

Starbuck, the host of The Robby Starbuck Show, accused Fox of child abuse for dressing her sons up as girls.

Starbuck wrote on Twitter, “These are Megan Fox’s sons. We used to live in the same gated community and our kids played at the park. I saw 2 of them have a full on breakdown saying they were forced by their mom to wear girls clothes as their nanny tried to console them.”

He added, “It’s pure child abuse. Pray for them.”

In a follow-up tweet he elaborated, “More context: This was around 5 years ago so they were younger than they are in this pic. There was another witness + the nanny when the boys did this. It started with one and the other one chimed in. 3rd child was not involved.”

Starbuck continued, “We knew California wouldn’t do anything about it because the state celebrates this stuff and she’s famous. Weirder wrinkle to this: I worked with Megan once on a small shoot about a year or so before she moved into our community and she was very nice to me so I was shocked when this happened later on. Just a very weird situation but clearly those boys weren’t happy.”

Starbuck then explained why he did not publicly call out the behavior earlier, “I never said anything publicly because they were so young and I thought it would stop because they were vocally expressing the desire to wear ‘boy clothes’.

“We moved to TN shortly after and I saw this pH๏τo of the boys going around online this week. Really sad it didn’t stop back then and wish there was more we could’ve done back then but there really wasn’t anything we could do in CA,” he added.

He would also respond to one user trying to put a community note on his post alleging that she only dressed one child in girls’ clothes.

“And to the community note someone tried to write saying only one of her kids has worn girls clothing, that’s not true. See below.

Starbuck would also respond to a user encouraging Megan Fox to sue him for defamation. He wrote, “What’s defamation here? She dresses them in girls clothes. We lived in the same gated community. Our kids played together at the park. We witnessed this (more than just me). I believe it to be a form of child abuse. Nothing she can sue me for. She’d be laughed out of court.”

She wrote, “i really don’t want to give you this attention because clearly youre a clout chaser but let me teach you something… irregardless of how desperate you may become at any given time to acquire wealth, power, success, or fame – never use children as leverage or social currency. especially under malevolent and erroneous pretense.”

“exploiting my child’s gender idenтιтy to gain attention in your political campaign has put you on the wrong side of the universe,” she continued.

Fox then wrote, ” have been burned at the stake by insecure, narcissistic, impotent, little men like you many times, and yet i’m still here. you f***ed with the wrong witch.”

Fox would then appear to threaten Starbuck with a “carcᴀss-eating ritual.” Posting to her Instagram Stories, Fox shared a screensH๏τ of a recent New York Post article depicting a woman appearing to eat some kind of animal carcᴀss and it being described as a “carcᴀss-eating ritual” performed by witches.

Fox put her own spin on the headline writing, “me outside rob starbucks house.”

Starbuck responded to Fox’s admission and apparent threat. He wrote in a comment on Instagram, “I don’t even have a political campaign Megan. I lived in the same gated community as you in Calabasas (not naming it because I don’t know if you still live there or not). Our kids played together there. Ask your nanny. She was the one bringing them to the park, not you. I have pH๏τos of our kids playing because they played so regularly. Your boys were very sweet (as I said in that thread) and the outburst of emotion was sad for all of us (including our kid) who witnessed it. An independent adult witnessed this and I have a text from them about it, you can DM and I’ll show it to you privately.”

“I only said something now because I hadn’t followed along after we moved and figured change would ensue after that incident but I saw this pH๏τo online, realized that it continued and that brought it all to the surface where it felt necessary to say something,” he continued. “Very sad to see it didn’t stop. I’m not afraid of witchcraft. I’ll pray for you and your boys. It’s you who needed to hear that this happened, maybe you’ll investigate those feelings that burst out when you see the independent text/pH๏τos that I’ll happily send you.”

“I firmly believe that what I witnessed should never happen to a child. I have Jesus so I’ll never fear witchcraft but I’m happy to provide pH๏τos/texts for you to think about. As for clout chasing, I’m not the one doing a blood drinking ritual for attention. I’m speaking up and if I’m guilty of anything it’s not doing so sooner,” Starbuck concluded.

On Twitter, Starbuck shared his Instagram comment along with Fox’s post and wrote, “Megan Fox has responded to my concern about her sons being dressed up in girls clothes with an IG post where she seemingly threatens me with witchcraft. Does that seem like a sane response to you?”

Starbuck commented, “Megan Fox gave this interview in May that says she knew her oldest son didn’t want to subscribe to gender stereotypes from the time he was IN THE WOMB. She also admits she‘a raising all 3 boys gender neutral. Does she really think anyone believes she didn’t push this on them?”

What do you make of Fox admitting she’s a witch and then appearing to threaten to perform a “carcᴀss-eating ritual” at Starbuck’s house?