‘It is very scary’: Candice’s trainer was shocked by London’s obsession with this high-intensity workout

No quick fix
Exercise is a personal thing that needs to be built around the individual and their lifestyle, Gelband believes.

The 44-year-old started his career helping women who were between 40 and 60 kilos overweight (90-130 pounds) to lose the extra pounds in a “sustainable way.” It takes between a year and a year and a half, he says.

“There’s no quick fix. It’s a lifestyle change.”

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“When you come into my gym I’ll spend an hour and a half analysing you from your posture, your form, coordination, past injuries, lifestyle, genetics. I’ll make you take off your shoes to see how you walk, how you pick something up. The analysis goes so deep.”

“You shouldn’t just go into a class where someone is reading from a piece of paper — that doesn’t make any sense to me. I don’t want to hurt anyone. I would prefer that in a class of 15 people, 13 were mad that I didn’t go hard enough than two people got injured.”

Gelband has been perfecting his training methods for 19 years. His famed workout focuses on the smaller muscle groups, rather than putting too much emphasis on the big. Motions are smaller and based on real-life movements, he explains.

“In real life you’re not just moving back and forward, think about the rotation of your spine, pelvis, shoulder, if say you’re reaching back to pᴀss a pen to someone on the next desk.”