Jennifer Aniston’s Go-To Acne Treatment Is Only $16

We don’t typically think about A-list celebrities like Jennifer Aniston breaking out — because we almost never see it. We ᴀssume they either have naturally flawless skin or 24/7 access to top dermatologists and estheticians who can make a pimple disappear at a moment’s notice. And many of them do! But some have at-home secrets of their own that you can easily try too.

Yes, Aniston does deal with breakouts, and no, you don’t need to spend $100+ to make them go away like she does. In fact, you don’t even need 2$0 right now. Even better if you already have an Amazon Prime account!

Aniston spoke to Elle about her beauty secrets in 2015, and when asked about “pimple SOS,” she responded, “First I roll my eyes and get annoyed, and usually I will put some sort of a drying lotion on. I don’t pick it, although I used to. Mario Badescu has a great drying lotion that I used for years and years. I had a facial there in like 1995 and I’ve been using it ever since.”

This drying lotion is shockingly affordable even when it’s not on sale, considering it also has fans including Heidi Klum and Khloe Kardashian. It was created to help draw out impurities from surface blemishes, making them appear smaller — or even disappear — overnight!

This drying lotion includes ingredients known to chemically exfoliate skin, inhibit and absorb oil, protect and soothe. Its key ingredients are salicylic acid, sulfur, zinc oxide and calamine. You’ve probably seen salicylic acid in many products for oily, acne-prone skin, but did you know sulfur “removes ᴅᴇᴀᴅ skin cells that clog pores and helps remove excess oil” as well? (Mayo Clinic)

To use this overnight treatment, which has been around since the 1960s, simply dip a cotton swab into the pink sediment at the bottom of the bottle and dot it onto a blemish (on face or body!), letting it dry and leaving it overnight. Rinse off in the morning. Remember, don’t shake the bottle! If it does become shaken up, simply stand it back up and leave it to settle again. Then you’re ready to zap that acne goodbye!