Kourtney Kardashian Made Things Awkward When A Talk Show Host Focused On Kim Instead Of Her

From the time that Kim Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian have been reality TV stars, there has always been compeтιтion, healthy or not, between them. When Kourtney feels that the spotlight is not on her when it should be, she has no problem protesting, specifically if she believes that Kim steals her ideas. Sometimes this is via words, other times, it is through her actions. The latter of which happened when appearing on Today Extra.

Kourtney, a college graduate turned TV star, was appearing on Today Extra shortly after Kim had been robbed at gunpoint in Paris, France. Having the opportunity to speak directly to a source close to Kim, e.g. Kourtney, host, David Campbell took his sH๏τ to see if he could get an exclusive on how Kim was doing.

However, Kourtney made things awkward for the talk show host when he focused on Kim instead of her. As a result, the two-minute interview was painful for viewers to watch and even more painful for the hosts to get through.

Kourtney Kardashian Thought She Was On ‘Today Extra’ To Talk About Skincare Line
Kourtney had an appearance booked on Today Extra to promote a skincare line in collaboration with Makuka Doctor. The topic that Kourtney thought she was going to talk about was the New Zealand-based company that specialized in skincare products that contained Manuka honey and bee venom.

This collaboration was important to Kourtney at the time because she wanted to live a more natural lifestyle after the birth of her oldest, Mason.

“They would be taking spoonfuls since we are all around each other every day. I asked, ‘Why are you guys all eating this honey?’ They told me how great it is when you are getting sick,” Kourtney explained about the crew on Keeping Up With the Kardashians, a show that was meant to be a slick marketing tactic.

“Once I had Mason, I started getting really more into natural things, and I loved learning about more natural stuff. I really don’t take medicine.”

This love of the honey made for an easy transition into using it for skincare via Manuka Doctor, especially because Kourtney was a fan of the gentle ingredients the skincare was comprised of.

“I really liked the ingredients, and I love that the products are available at a lower price point. All around, I felt that it fit in with my lifestyle. That’s really what drew me to the brand,” Kourtney explained to WWD.

“I love to use as natural skin-care products as I can. When I use harsh products, my skin breaks out. It’s [Manuka Doctor] really something I can feel good about believing in and using.”

The appearance on Today Extra would have been an opportunity for Kourtney to sing her praises about the skincare line and make some money as an ambᴀssador at the same time. But when Campbell only wanted to talk about Kim, the interview took a turn for the awkward almost as quickly as it began.

‘Today Extra’ Host Focused On Kim Kardashian Rather Than Kourtney Kardashian
At the time that Kourtney appeared on Today Extra, Kim had just been robbed at gunpoint in Paris, France. During that horrific ordeal, nearly $10 million worth of jewelry was stolen from the SKIMS founder. The event left her with PTSD after being tied up during the robbery.

All of which Campbell wanted to talk about with Kourtney during the interview but none of which Kourtney wanted to discuss.

“You should know that the people of Australia and of our show were very empathetic about what happened and very horrified,” Campbell started off with the interview, “so we were wondering, how is everyone going and how is Kim doing?”

“Umm,” was the extent of Kourtney’s response before she stared off into the distance, not answering any further.

“I’m sorry is there someone talking to you?” Campbell asked. “I’m just wondering how Kim is doing?”

Kourtney did not say a word.

After an awkward silence, Campbell said, “I think she’s blanking me, She’s totally blanking me on that question. She could just say her sister’s fine. We just said we’re very concerned and we were onside and we hope that everyone’s fine.”

Campbell, seeing that the interview was going nowhere, decided it was best to end it.

“Anyway, we thank Kourtney for her time this morning.”

However, things got stranger from there, as after the commercial break, Kourtney returned, stating it was technical difficulties that resulted in her not answering questions being asked of her.

Kourtney Kardashian Claimed That She Could Not Hear The Questions Being Asked Of Her
When Today Extra returned from the commercial break after Kourtney’s interview had ended, viewers were shocked to see that she was back, blaming a “bad connection” on why she did not answer any of Campbell’s questions.

“I think she has a big supportive family and I know that, like all of the traumatic things that we’ve been through, we get through them together as a family and that’s what family is all about,” Kourtney said about the incident in Paris.

Instead of holding a grudge, Campbell sang Kourtney’s praises for answering his questions.

“I understand you guys are the Kardashians,” Campbell stated. “It’s hard to always preach and ask questions and there will be people protecting you. For you to come on and come back to us is a testament to you.”

What is interesting is that at the beginning of the interview, right after Campbell asked Kourtney if there was someone in the room with her, she was able to answer him without issue because she clearly heard the question. But, from that point forward, Kourtney behaved like she could not hear a thing.

Whether it was truly a bad connection or Kourtney being thrown off guard because her skincare line was not being talked about and instead Kim was, will only ever be known to Kourtney. But what is known is that her appearance on Today Extra made for one of the most awkward interviews in the show’s history that no one hopes to repeat.