Kourtney Kardashian, Poosh in Legal Trouble After Baby Shower Fakeout

Kourtney Kardashian is producing more than empowering pregnancy selfies and new episodes of The Kardashians these days.

Remember, she has a lifestyle brand. Poosh. Yes, that’s its real name, not the onomatopoeia for the dismissive sound that you make when you hear about a lifestyle brand.

That brand — and Kourtney herself — may be in H๏τ water. As in, actual legal trouble.

Lifestyle brands get into trouble for a lot of reasons. But this isn’t what you think.

Supposedly, Kourtney Kardashian was throwing a sizable party — a baby shower.

That’s what the permit request claimed, anyway. And she even received the permit.

But, whoops, it wasn’t a baby shower. Kourtney wasn’t even there. The event was for Poosh. And none of the way-too-many attendees included any of the Kardashian family.

Malibu mayor Bruce Silverstein claims that Kourtney’s event planner filed an application to host a sizable gathering of 94 guests.

This was an “Emergency Expedited Permit for Large Event” because the home is a single-family house. And the permit would help with the issue of parking.

Most houses can accommodate 10 or 20 guests. Maybe 40 or 50. A Kardashian home might fit close to 100 or more … but parking can be a doozy.

Hosting a baby shower with 94 people is … a wild choice. Even before COVID-19, that was just so many people.

Did you know that, for many people, baby showers were things that you throw out of necessity (to get baby supplies) and only for your first kid?

That’s changed — and expanding the tradition is a great thing! But Kourt throwing a comically extravagant party for Baby #4 isn’t the problem.

TMZ reports that the event was not a baby shower at all.

It was, instead, a huge promotional gathering for Poosh.

While Poosh might be Kourtney’s “baby,” that’s not a baby shower.

This one was that someone was renting Kourt’s home for a vague “influencer event.”

Normally, one would ask whether it’s a baby shower or an influencer event. So it’s deeply weird that it was neither.

Reportedly, 94 guests did not show up.

Instead, the figure was around 600 guests.

And it seems that zero of them were Kardashians.

Obviously, this is the mayor of Malibu’s complaint. We have not seen the permit filing for ourselves.

It is likely that, at worst, Kourtney or Poosh or both are facing a fine.

And, as we all know, anything punishable by fine simply means that it is effectively legal for rich people.