Kourtney Kardashian Reveals What She Did With Her Excessive Birthday Flowers

The life of a celebrity involves being celebrated, or “getting your flowers,” as the young folks like to say. But being a celebrity also means getting a lot of actual, physical flowers as gifts. Now, we already know that a star like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson tends of toss away the flowers as soon as he gets them, but what does Kourtney Kardashian do when bouquets come in?

That’s what many were wondering when Kardashian showed off her lavish 44th birthday celebration on Instagram recently. The festivities took place at the Kennedy Cottage on San Ysidro Ranch in California, and involved bowling, a mariachi band, a $161,000 work of art, and lots and lots of flowers.

Now, normally “Person posts picture with flowers they got” would only elicit the response of “Oh, nice.” But since outrage has become cultural currency on social media, and getting mad that others aren’t doing enough is seen as “doing something,” people dove into the comment section of Kardashian’s innocuous Instagram post to seemingly take her to task for wasting flowers they don’t actually know that she wasted.

“Wouldn’t it be nice if others unfortunate people could experience this?” one perplexingly indignant comment exclaimed, while another asked, “What do you think they do with the flowers after they are looked at?”

Kardashian swiftly responded to the inquiries with, “We donate them to the children’s hospital.” Which is a great use of those flowers, and a much more patient response to outraged internet commenters than we would have ben able to muster.

So, there you have it. The next time you feel a celebrity’s lavish floral displays are going to waste, remember that they might actually realize those blooms could brighten someone else’s day once they’re done with them, and take appropriate action.

And even if they don’t, there are … so many better uses of your time than raging in someone’s Instagram comments. We promise.