Megan Fox Aloof From Drew Barrymore’s Generic Question About Her Crush On A “Historical Figure”

In the recent episode of “The Drew Barrymore Show,” streaming on YouTube, Megan Fox talked about her love life and motherhood as Barrymore took the conversation back to her past which Fox couldn’t resist talking about.

The conversation led to Drew asking Megan about her crush on a historical figure, on which Fox showed disinterest but eventually answered the question in awkwardness. Fans stormed the comment section as she named ‘Elvis’ her “historical figure” crush, doubting her reply as they didn’t expect that answer.

Megan Fox went to Drew Barrymore’s talk show to promote her latest poetry book “Pretty Boys Are Poisonous,” from which Barrymore read poetry to the audience.

Megan debuted in the 2001 film “Holiday In a Sun” and has worked in numerous films and television shows for two decades. She is popularly known for playing ‘Mikaela Banes’ in “Transformers,” (a 2007 film).

Starting a conversation about Fox’s ex-husband, Brian Austin Green, Drew asked about her crush on a historical figure. She started asking her “Do you know what a HELF is?” To which Megan replied “No, I am scared…” with a weary expression. Drew explained that the word means “historical figure,” asking Fox about her crush. Fox spills the beans saying “That’s an interesting question,” naming Elvis. Drew got excited saying “My Biggest Precious Elvis,” and called him “the H๏τtest guy.” (source: The Drew Barrymore Show on YouTube)

Fans misunderstood the question by literally considering Drew’s words, not expecting Megan’s answer. Some comments on YouTube were :

“Megan:  “Oh… That’s an interesting question”…..

Drew:   “Right?!?!?”

“Is Elvis Historical though? Lol, I went wayyyyyy back like Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Attila the Hun….  “

“I can’t believe 2 grown women think Elvis is a historical figure.”

Noticing Fox’s expression and response to Barrymore’s question, a fan commented :

“I love how Megan gave a standard “Oh that’s an interesting question” while completely disinterested, and Drew was enthusiastically like “Right?!”

Barrymore talked about parenting and Fox mentioned how she doesn’t want children to carry the burden of the fire in their parents’ relationship as she faced that in her childhood and understands the pain a child goes through in such a situation.

Having grown up around her late abusive stepfather, Megan also talked about her trauma as a kid, dealing with depression and undergoing therapy to date.

The Drew Barrymore Show was started by Barrymore in 2020. She has been known for her performance in “Charlie’s Angels”(2000 film), directed by Joseph McGinty Nichol, popularly called “McG” Drew started her journey back in the 1990s and has worked in more than 40 films and 25 television shows.