Megan Fox urges followers to stop anti-LGBTQ bills being pᴀssed in Tennessee

The biSєxual actress was appalled at the laws that Tennessee want to introduce.
Megan Fox has urged her 6.8 million Instagram followers to help stop the “Slate of Hate” bills that are planned to be introduced in her home state of Tennessee.

Writing on Instagram, she said: “My home state of Tennessee is on the verge of pᴀssing a ‘Slate of Hate.’ A slew of anti-LGBTQ bills including business license to discriminate, child welfare and anti-trans bills.”

She urged followers to contact the Human Rights Campaign to add their voices against the bills. “Text HRCTN to 472472 NOW to stop these anti-LGBTQ bills from becoming law,” she wrote.

The bills in question are Senate Bill 1499, House Bill 1151 and House Bill 836. The first of these bills wants to force the state’s Attorney General to back schools with anti-trans bathroom policies, which forces trans students to use the bathroom of their assigned gender.

House Bill 1151 also targets the trans community, aiming to expand the definition of indecent exposure in locker rooms and other facilities to include “a member of the opposite sex than the sex designated for use.”

And the final bill, 836, wants to allow foster care agencies to refuse LGBTQ couples from adopting because of their religious beliefs.

And Megan Fox isn’t the only celebrity fighting for LGBTQ equality in Tennessee, as earlier this month Taylor Swift donated $113,000 to the Tennessee Equality Project.

“Dear Chris, I’m writing you to say that I’m so inspired by the work you do, specifically in organizing the recent peтιтion of Tennessee faith leaders standing up against the ‘Slate of Hate’ in our state legislature,” she wrote.

“Please convey my heartfelt thanks to them and accept this donation to support the work you and those leaders are doing. I’m so grateful that they’re giving all people a place to worship. Sincerely, Taylor Swift.”