Millionaire Megan Fox slammed after asking fans to donate to her pal’s $30,000 GoFundMe

Megan Fox has left fans “speechless” after begging them to donate to her friend’s $30,000 GoFundMe page.

The fundraiser was set up by Megan’s friend Brittney Boyce after her father Michael was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier this month. The money will be used to cover his medical expenses so he can “focus on himself and not the stress on finances”.

Megan, 37, shared the fundraising page on her Instagram Story and wrote: “My friends dad was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer if you guys are able to help please.”

However, she has been heavily criticised on social media as people said she should use her own wealth to cover the costs.

The actress is thought to be worth a mᴀssive $8million.

People flocked to Twitter to air their frustrations, with one person commenting: “She’s asking those of us who barely survive the month to donate while she makes millions of dollars and could help them out. They wouldn’t need a gofundme if she would use her own money to help her friend. It is damn cheeky.”

Another said: “Not megan fox posting her friends gofundme asking her fans to help. You ain’t got 30k?” A third fan blasted: “Millionaire Megan Fox just posted a gofundme on her Instagram story for her friend’s dad’s 30 grand cancer medical bills and I am absolutely speechless.”

“Megan Fox asking fans to donate, to raise 30 grand for her dads mates cancer treatment, is an absolute p**s take,” one angry person said.Not everyone was annoyed by Megan’s request and some fans pointed out that she might have donated privately.

“I am wrong often. It seems like she was trying to do a nice thing by pᴀssing along, how people could help out the man, if they were able to. People that have money, often donate silently, without seeking the accolades,” one fan suggested.

Another tweeted: “She gave something too im sure.”

A third fan said Megan doesn’t earn much money compared to other actresses, writing: “My question is why people sнιтting on Megan fox for crowd funding for her friends even though she’s an underpaid actress? No shade.”