Strict Rules Megan Fox Makes Her Three Kids Follow

In a recent interview, Megan Fox opened up about her engagement to Machine Gun Kelly and motherhood, sharing rare details about her three sons.

Fox has three kids, Noah, Bodhi and Journey with her ex-husband, Brian Austin Green and has spoken from time to time about how parenting has shaped her life.

Last year Fox talked about how becoming a mom helped her “find purpose in this horrendous, patriarchal, misogynistic hell that was Hollywood.”

Fox seems to enjoy being a mother to her three kids. However, there are boundaries and limits that she sets when it comes to parenting.

Here are some parenting rules Megan Fox has while raising her kids.
1. Megan Fox encourages her kids to express their gender idenтιтy however they want.
Fox has recently opened up about how she supports and lets her son, Noah wear dresses. In an interview with Glamour, she spoke about her son wanting to wear dresses.

She said, “Noah started wearing dresses when he was about two, and I bought a bunch of books that sort of addressed these things and addressed a full spectrum of what this is.”

She further mentioned how those books educated Noah about self-expression and the freedom to wear whatever one wished to wear.

In an interview with Instyle, she also mentioned that Noah has been bullied because he wears dresses. As a result, she keeps him away from the internet.

She said, “I don’t want him to ever have to read that sh-t because he hears it from little kids at his own school who are like, ‘Boys don’t wear dresses’.”

2. Megan Fox doesn’t let her kids use technology.
Everyone is aware of the harmful effects of technology and many parents limit their children from using it. However, Fox forbids her kids from using iPads or watching TV completely.

According to DailyMail, she mentioned that she doesn’t want technology to have any negative impacts on her kids’ brains.

“It’s hard to make them super-nerds if I don’t let them watch television or movies, or get on an iPhone or an iPad,” Fox said.

“So right now, I’m making my kids into artistic nature-hippies.”

3. Megan Fox lets her son grow out their hair.
In addition to letting her kids wear dresses, Fox also lets them have longer hair than is typical.

After Fox posted a picture on social media of her boys in long hair, she received a lot of backlash from internet users. Many people criticized her for letting her kids grow their hair out and called her out for being a bad parent.

One user commented, “It’s just that girls should look like that, girls! And boys like boys. That’s it and that’s that.”

However, there were also many others in support of the ‘Transformers’ actress claiming that she was just letting her kids be themselves.

One person wrote, “She posts a beautiful pic of her children … and the majority of you bring her down… People have really forgotten how to be nice. If you like it, Press the LIKE ʙuттon. If you don’t, JUST KEEP SCROLLING. They are gorgeous kids,”

4. Megan Fox teaches her kids to be environmentally friendly.
Fox is quite stern on her rule to be friendly to the environment. She expects her kids to show respect for the environment.

She also revealed that she sends her kids to vegan-friendly schools where they are taught to plant and grow their food. Similarly, she teaches them to respect other animals and living things.

“I’m very specific about never harming animals,” Fox said.

“We don’t step on ants; we don’t do things like that. We don’t rip flowers out of the ground, because we think they’re beautiful. I teach them that plants are sentient beings — they have feelings, thoughts, and emotions — so that’s what we’re doing.”

She even mentioned that when her son once stepped on a Roly Poly by mistake he was quite sad about it so, they even held a funeral for it.