‘That don’t impress me!’: Brad Pitt’s wiped-clean armpits to Megan Fox not flushing after she’s pooped… These are the strangest celebrity habits!

Celebrities are only human at the end of the day, and even they have annoying and weird habits and rituals that bug others.
Read on to find out the most surprising mannerisms of the rich and famous…

Megan Fox
The ‘Transformers’ star, 37, once revealed the stinking habit she has of not flushing the toilet once she’s pooped. She told FHM: “I’m horrible to live with. I don’t clean. My clothes end up wherever I take them off. I forget to flush the toilet. Friends will tell me, ‘Megan, you totally pinched a loaf in my toilet and didn’t flush.'”

Jessica Simpson
The 43-year-old singer might have sparkly white teeth, but she shockingly doesn’t brush her teeth every day. She told ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’: “Because my teeth are so white and I don’t like them to feel too slippery but I do use Listerine and I do floss every day. “But I don’t brush them every day.” She continued: “My lips just slide all over the place….I can’t catch up with my mouth. “I need a little coating….” On her days off from brushing, she will use a piece of cloth or material to wipe her pearly whites.

Robert Pattinson
He’s since changed his stance on hair washing. However, the ‘Transformers’ star, 37, once confessed to not washing his locks for weeks at a time. He told the Chicago Tribune: “I don’t have much of a sense of personal hygiene or styling or anything. “Even today, I go into these things where I’m supposed to be this Sєxy guy or whatever, and I’m literally asking the studio rep if I get plums of dandruff on me, can you just brush it off.”

Gwyneth Paltrow
The actress-turned-wellness guru started having her lady parts steamed for an “energetic release” and raved about the benefits. She wrote on her lifestyle site Goop: “You sit on what is essentially a mini-throne, and a combination of infrared and mugwort steam cleanses your uterus, et al. “It is an energetic release – not just a steam douche – that balances female hormone levels. If you’re in LA, you have to do it.”

Katy Perry
The ‘I Kissed A Girl’ hitmaker, 39, revealed she brushes her teeth constantly and never leaves the house without her toothbrush. It stemmed from having poor oral health as a kid and aspiring to have white teeth like her idol Britney Spears. She explained: “I brush my teeth all the time. I wanted them to be, like, Britney Spears white. I used to grow up seeing her music videos and be like, ‘What does she do? Does she get a new set of teeth all the time? They’re so white.'” She added: “I’ll brush my teeth [after] breakfast, lunch and dinner… I did have 13 cavities at one time, so you can imagine why I’m so freaked out. When I was a kid I didn’t really go to the dentist a lot and when I finally went, they were like, ‘You might as well get a new set of teeth.'”

Brad Pitt
The Hollywood star, 59, is said to have told his ‘Inglourious Basterds’ co-star Eli Roth that sometimes he is so busy he skips the shower and uses wet wipes to clean his armpits. The 51-year-old actor told PEOPLE: “He shared that when you’re sweating and don’t have time to take a shower, you just take a baby wipe and rub it under your armpits. “After a scene, Brad had to get next to me for a close-up sH๏τ, and he said, ‘Damn, you’re ripe.’ “I said, ‘I didn t have time to shower.’ He said, ‘Baby wipes, man, baby wipes.’ ”