The Workout Routine That Transformed Jennifer Aniston’s Body

Jennifer Aniston’s body has long been the workout inspiration of women around the world, and her trainer, Mandy Ingber, credits it to yoga.

The actress has been working with Mandy for over 15 years, and she says she’s seen her physical – and mental – strength completely change during that time

“When I started doing yoga with Mandy, I noticed many things,” Jennifer testifies. “My legs getting leaner. My arms getting stronger, and most importantly, I noticed an inner strength.”

The “yogi to the stars” (including Kate Beckinsale and Jennifer Lawrence) tells the Daily Mail that she’s seen the actor grow into a more grounded, empowered and confident person.

“She loves practising yoga and how she feels when she does it,” Mandy says. “In the beginning her body changed and she felt strong and healthy. She’s felt like her muscles are getting leaner and stronger.”

Mandy says she would incorporate other exercises into their, often daily, training sessions.

“With Jennifer Aniston, I would do 30 minutes of spinning, 40 minutes of yoga, incorporating some of my hybrid which is a yoga pose paired with a toning exercise,” she told the Daily Mail.

“We would do some power yoga, vinyasa flow and then some yin yoga stretching, and then finish with the infrared sauna.”

And Mandy says the workout has some incredible benefits.

“People say that yoga is wonderful because it’s about strength, balance and flexibility. Usually the results are a toned flexible body with good posture. Reduced stress levels go a long way for shaping your body.”