When Megan Fox Stole A $7 Lip-Gloss From Walmart & Broke Into Tears When The Authorities Threatened To Call The Police, Eventually Getting Her Banned From The Store

Not everyone has luxury in life while growing up. Some of the biggest names in the world have had the most challenging childhood, but they never gave up and made their dreams come true. Likewise, Megan Fox was once a rebellious kid, especially in her teenage years, and was banned from Walmart after being found guilty of stealing. Yes, it’s true. Initially, she didn’t accept her fault but eventually confessed to the crime of pocketing $7 worth of lip gloss from Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen’s collection from Walmart. Scroll below to read the scoop.

Megan is one of the most famous names in the West, with over 20 million followers on Instagram. She’s currently engaged to rapper Machine Gun Kelly and is making headlines for the trouble in paradise for the two love birds. Now talking about her shoplifting confession, it was during her teenage years that she was found guilty of pocketing a lip gloss from a store in the US.

According to The Things, Megan Fox’s friend told the Express about her shoplifting incident: “Megan was quite a rebel growing up. She thought she could get away with anything, and definitely had sticky fingers. She would pocket things like candy and gum from convenience stores, but Megan’s shoplifting days were quickly put to an end when she got busted for heisting a $7 tube of lipgloss from Walmart.”

The friend continued and added, “At first, Megan denied it. Even after they told her they caught her on surveillance video, Megan still tried talking her way out of it. But when they threatened to call the police, Megan broke down in tears and confessed.”

Later Megan Fox gave an interview to Express, talking about her shoplifting confession and said, “They actually took me into the court, and I had two choices, and I took the second choice, which was wrapping gifts for Christmas, which was awesome, it wasn’t really a punishment. The other one was they were gonna make me wear a sign that said I stole from Walmart and stand outside Walmart for three days.”

In 2009, the actress confirmed that she refused to go to the supermarket and said, “I don’t know if the ban was for life.”

What are your thoughts on Megan Fox shoplifting from Walmart back in the day? Tell us in the space below.