When Megan Fox Was Told, “Just Be S*xy” & Asked, “Do You Have A Nice Stomach?” During Transformers Auditions Leaving Her Fumed!

Megan Fox is one of the most desirable women in Hollywood and often gets tagged as the ‘s*x symbol’ or ‘s*x goddess’ of the industry. However, the actress who found fame and success through the movie Transformers, co-starring Shia Labeouf, was once asked about her stomach during the auditions for it. Scroll ahead to get the scoop.

Despite getting mᴀssive success with Transformers, Megan was controversially fired from the movie by Michael Bay owing to his obsession with her physical appearance and making her look H๏τ and s*xy all the time thereby making her feel objectified.

Once, while talking about her audition experiences in a Transformers BTS video, as quoted in Fandom Wire, Megan Fox vocalised about feeling pushed into one corner to only show her figure. She said, “The only thing Mike asked me when I was reading with him and auditioning, he just asked me if I could run. He’s like, ‘Can you run?’ I was like, ‘Well yeah, I think so.’ And the other thing he asked me, he goes, ‘Do you have a nice stomach?’ And I said, ‘Well, in my opinion, yes I do.’”

Later, Megan Fox had voiced how she felt objectified by Michael Bay‘s instructions to look only s*xy in the films. She had revealed even though Mike didn’t take advantage of her but the behavior didn’t sit right with her. She had said, “‘Who am I talking to? Where am I supposed to be looking at?’ And he responds, ‘Just be s*xy.’ I get mad when people talk to me like that. He wants to be like Hitler on his sets, and he is. So he’s a nightmare to work for.”

After this fiasco, Michael Bay had mentioned that he didn’t mind Megan’ Hitler comment, but it was Steven Spielberg‘s instruction to remove the Jennifer’s Body actress from the franchise.

Well, what are your thoughts about Megan Fox getting asked about her stomach in the auditions by Michael Bay?